15 taper commandments: learning how to rest

15 taper commandments: learning how to rest

Eight days out from Brighton Marathon and again, I’m on a running ban until race day. This happened last year, I got all the way to the taper, and a previously unproblematic hip decided to come out to play and…

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Stop putting fitness first

Stop putting fitness first

I’m gonna lay my cards on the table here.  I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a while, and have only left it this long because I’m scared of what it means and didn’t want to admit it to…

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Why do you run?

Why do you run?

I was meant to write this yesterday whilst still basking in the glory of my 7minute PB at Brighton Half (more on this later), but I couldn’t sit still for long enough to write it as my legs were screaming…

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Be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself

I couldn’t be arsed to go to the gym today. Or run. Or go to Bikram. I laid my kit out for an upper body session at the gym and went to bed at 11 rather than midnight (early bedtimes…

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Hillmotts Dorset bootcamp review: Day Three (the day of the 7:34 plank!)

Hillmotts Dorset bootcamp review: Day Three (the …

<— Day Two recap   So I’ve finally got round to writing my recap of the third and final day at the Dorset Hillmotts bootcamp. Even though it was only the weekend before last, it seems like ages ago we…

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