[VIDEO] Trampolining with This Girl Can

I’m so excited! It’s time to share with you my third video working with Active Sussex as This Girl Can Sussex Ambassador – and this time we went trampolining!

Not just any old trampolining either, we went down to the newly opened Sky High trampoline park in Peacehaven to have a go at BounceFit – a new high intensity, low impact MEGA FUN fitness class that had me sweating out of my eyes and laughing all the way through.

Have a looky at the video and let me know what you think!

BounceFit is on every Monday 7-8pm and Wednesday mornings 10-11am and costs £7.50 per class – a 35 minutes of ‘work’ and the rest of the time is yours for a free bounce!

It’s literally the MOST fun I’ve ever had at a fitness class, (something finally tipping Zumba for the top spot), and because everything you do is on a nice soft, springy trampoline, your joints will love you and you’ll go home grinning like a cat on catnip.

Where else can you so freely go back to being a child?! Come and play… you know you want to!

?Going to bed absolutely buzzing. ? I was in such a bad mood beforehand too. This is why you should move your body. However you do that, is up to you. Just make sure you do even a little bit of exercise, every single day. Even just a walk (or better still go jump around a trampoline park like a 10 year old). It’ll feed your soul & light up your day. Night night boys and girls! ??? . . . #endorphins #happy #exercise #workout #brighton #fun #love #life #healthy #mondaymotivation #motivation #move #movemore #fitness #fitfam #instafit #thisgirlcan

A photo posted by Tess Agnew (@fitbits_tess) on

Watch more: Tess Tries with This Girl Can 

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been This Girl Can Ambassador since October 2015, working with Active Sussex to uncover all the brilliant ways to keep fit and active in Brighton and beyond.

My mountain bike accident threw a bit of a spanner in the works this year, hence not doing a video since our Synchronised Swimming one in February, but I’m back on the horse and raring to go, so keep your eyes peeled for more.

Read more about my role as Ambassador on the Active Sussex website and on my blog, and watch our other videos:

Tess Tries: Skateboarding*

Tess Tries: Synchronised Swimming*

Women’s Sport Week: PT in Brighton**

*Videos produced by the lovely Laura Evans of Brighton (including this trampoline one)
**Video made by me, hence poor noise quality!


Have you tried trampolining? 

What sport would you most like to try but haven’t yet?

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