Create your perfect gym at home

Create your perfect gym at home

Whatever plates you’re spinning, whether you’re juggling family life, long days at work or are just out there trying to stay motivated to workout in this miserable weather (I’m with you!), finding the time and energy to exercise regularly isn’t…

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25 lessons learnt at Red Bull Timelaps

25 lessons learnt at Red Bull Timelaps

Hot tea, dry socks, flushing toilets, pancake breakfasts. Mini gas heaters and egg mayo sandwiches. Thick gloves and toffee-flavoured birthday cake. A shared gazebo with a friendly, helpful army team (who placed ninth!). The Rugby World Cup on the TV…

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Ride London – my first ever 100 mile ride

Ride London – my first ever 100 mile ride

Wow. Ride London. What a ride. 100 freakin’ miles! Thanks legs, love you babez. It was a ride I needed to do for a few reasons, not least the fact that I’d been signed up to two 100 milers in…

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Goal setting for 2019

Goal setting for 2019

Ahhh the start of a new year. I love the fresh slate and sense of renewed motivation it brings. January is always a good time for me – it’s usually when I’m itching to get back to routine and am…

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London e-bike tour with Shimano

London e-bike tour with Shimano

L to R: Lucy from PaddlePedalPace, me and Michelle from RideOn. Scroll down for video A couple of years ago on my (much-missed) three mile EW cycle commute I used to occasionally get overtaken by people on e-bikes. It was…

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