There aren’t enough days in the week.
This is a common problem I have when deciding on races and events for the year. There is no marathon in the 2016 game plan – I want to focus on running faster, swimming stronger, cycling longer, lifting heavier.
I’ll swap the winter marathon plan for a sports cocktail of mixed skill and intensity. Mastering the art of repetition and precision to land a skateboard trick; learning how to swim efficiently with grace; building the strength in my legs and lungs to carry me 185 miles over two days on two wheels in May.
In terms of running goals I’ve got a few stragglers that have been following me around for a couple of years now… the elusive sub-25 parkrun that I’ve been passively chasing; the sub-50 10k that I actually never trained for at all and then DNS’d the goal race because I wasn’t ‘running fit’ enough to shave over three minutes off.
Well, that and the pull of the trail was too tempting when compared with 50mph winds along a seafront 10k course…
I want a triathlon PB.
I want to do a full pull up.
Complete a Tough Mudder.
Punch fear in the face and ride a black mountain bike trail.
I want to go climbing again and get to the top of the wall.
Get back in a kayak and see if I can still roll it.
I want to make more time for the yoga mat and learn how to relax and switch off every once in a while.
And the scariest of all, the one that, if I’m completely honest, despite it being the most amazing experience, I’ve still been avoiding: I want to face my demons and get back in the boxing ring. It’s happening… this March.
As much as I want to, I can’t do all of this immediately. I was meant to be part of the #blogsquad for the Sport Relief Swimathon too but that’s on the same day as my UWCB fight so I’ve had to choose. Maybe for the best as I was having trouble trying to fit in four runs, three boxing classes and four swims into my training calendar for the Spring!
Here’s the event calendar as it stands, I’ve got a few more possibles up my sleeves to fill in the gaps…
And then there’s the general life goals / areas to focus on:
Save some bloody money. (We’re starting this by not going to Glasto this year for the first time EVER. WAAAAAAHHHHHHHH 🙁 )
Write at least one blog a week.
Finish a book.
Have a big clear out. (And I mean big – I’m far too sentimental).
Call people more often.
Go offline every now and then.
Do a bike maintenance course.
Learn Greek so I can talk to my nan in her native language.
Play Frank Turner and Oasis songs on my Fender guitar.
Dread my hair and book in another tattoo.
This is all very nice, but as I’m sure you’re aware, the problem I have is time. I’ve got an amazing new job and an endlessly patient and loving husband who puts up with my must-do-all-the-things-right-now attitude.
I need to be brilliant at looking after both of these. These must come first.
So, as I sit here and try to figure out how the hell I’m gonna fit all of the above in to just seven days a week, over 365 days in 2016, I think I’ll just set myself one overarching New Year’s Resolution:
To make it count.
PS. Do you like my new blog logo and header? Made by my mate Ralph.
We’d love to know what you think! 🙂
What are your 2016 goals?
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